
  • Understanding the North Star in CX

    Understanding the North Star in CX

    Discover how the North Star concept can guide your customer experience strategy. Learn to define, measure, and adapt your approach to boost satisfaction, loyalty, and business growth in a dynamic mark

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  • From Blind Spots to Bright Spots: Transform Your B2B Sales with Customer Insights

    From Blind Spots to Bright Spots: Transform Your B2B Sales with Customer Insights

    Discover how addressing seller blind spots with customer feedback can boost your CX, enhance salespeople training, and ultimately drive sales success.

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  • B2B Buyer Journeys: When One Size Doesn't Fit All

    B2B Buyer Journeys: When One Size Doesn't Fit All

    The path to purchase in the B2B world is rarely straightforward. Understanding the complexities of B2B buyer journeys is crucial for successfully navigating the B2B marketing and sales landscape.

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  • Is your B2B Marketing for the birds?

    Is your B2B Marketing for the birds?

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  • Exploring trending themes in B2B Advertising

    Exploring trending themes in B2B Advertising

    In this blog post, we’ll explore both key and less obvious topics that are shaping the B2B digital marketing scene you can tap into for your next campaign.

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  • Effective B2B ads: Navigating the buyer journey through strategic advertising

    Effective B2B ads: Navigating the buyer journey through strategic advertising

    Explore how to make your B2B ads resonate more by using personas and the buyer journey.

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  • Getting started with Pardot: a guide to maximising the potential of your marketing platform

    Getting started with Pardot: a guide to maximising the potential of your marketing platform

    Pardot's seamless integration with Salesforce enhances lead generation. Maximize its potential with three steps: thorough onboarding, aligning marketing with sales, and continuous optimisation.

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  • B2B Buyer Insights: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

    B2B Buyer Insights: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

    Explore how Buyer Insights can enhance your marketing and sales strategy.

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  • Leveraging ABM Use Cases for Business Success

    Leveraging ABM Use Cases for Business Success

    Explore how businesses can utilize marketing use cases to drive success.

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  • 當瀏覽+魔餅碎裂時會發生什麼?



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  • 數位時代的行銷革命:從傳統到自動化的轉變



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  • 為什麼在B2B市場行銷中你應該關注心理學?



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  • 作為一名 Marketo Engage 數位營銷人員,我應該如何為 iOS 15 做好準備呢?

    作為一名 Marketo Engage 數位營銷人員,我應該如何為 iOS 15 做好準備呢?

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  • LeadFabric expands into emerging market opportunity with five new experts

    LeadFabric expands into emerging market opportunity with five new experts

    LeadFabric has expanded with five marketing & sales tech veterans to support its ambition to break new ground as a true full-service offering for sales & marketing transformation.

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  • 2022 Outreach Revenue Innovators - Strategies For Selling to the Modern Buyer

    2022 Outreach Revenue Innovators - Strategies For Selling to the Modern Buyer

    New buying trends have come a long way from the sales cycles and funnels of the past, and our methods and approaches must be adapted to buyers being savvier and wanting more control in the process.

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  • LeadFabric and 6sense Announce Partnership to Provide Revenue AI Platform For Sales And Marketing Teams

    LeadFabric and 6sense Announce Partnership to Provide Revenue AI Platform For Sales And Marketing Teams

    Read about LeadFabric's partnership with 6sense, the leading platform for B2B organizations generating predictable revenue.

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  • LeadFabric becomes 1st Drift Platinum Partner in EMEA

    LeadFabric becomes 1st Drift Platinum Partner in EMEA

    LeadFabric has announced that they have been promoted to Drift’s highest partnership status, making the marketing consultancy the first to achieve this milestone outside of the United States.

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  • Au revoir aux cookies, bonjour à l'ABM

    Au revoir aux cookies, bonjour à l'ABM

    L’ABM est une solution de marketing B2B efficace lorsque les cookies tiers sont progressivement supprimés. La bonne sélection des comptes et le choix de la bonne technologie sont essentiels.

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  • Que se passe-t-il lorsque les cookies tombent en miettes?

    Que se passe-t-il lorsque les cookies tombent en miettes?

    En savoir plus sur l'impact de la disparition des cookies tiers sur les marketers B2B et les solutions potentielles à envisager de mettre en place pour s'adapter.

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  • Intent Data: Your Secret Weapon for Recession-Proof Marketing

    Intent Data: Your Secret Weapon for Recession-Proof Marketing

    Intent data can help you determine where your prospects are in the buying process by matching intent signals to your target account. This means you can understand when a company is in-market.

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