Digital or bust: Navigating change in manufacturing

June 11, 2020 Koen De Witte

Webinar recording


Traditionally, many manufacturers have been heavily reliant on conventional offline marketing: such as trade shows, catalogs, printed spec sheets and in-person sales calls. The drive for change was not as critical. The adage: “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it” was the rule. At best some tried to support the old normal by making small digital tweaks.

Navigating the new normal will require that digital is central to your marketing and change strategy.

Watch this webinar to hear our speakers outline a blue print to apply the required change in a scalable and feasible way:

Koen De Witte: Managing Director at Leadfabric

Reviews the B2B landscape and introduces the changes that are impacting how companies engage with their customers in the new normal

Jenny Fernqvist: Head of Portfolio and Content Marketing, at Sandvik Coromant

Describes how the company has been building organisational resilience; moving from product centred to audience centric, evolving their customer engagement vision and the impact this has had on their marketing department set up

Michael Knudsen: Senior Solution Consultant at Marketo, an Adobe Company

Shares the importance of selecting the right Marketing Automation platform and the importance of having a proven/right tool to support daily marketing and sales roles.


Selected Questions for the Q&A

1. How important is sales in the process, and how responsive were they before and are they responsive now?

Jenny: This is a really good question. I would say it is a mix. Marketing owning a bigger part of the customer journey is initially not only positive because as a sales rep you want full control. You need to start showing the support you can bring, like proving insights that accelerates the sales pipeline. You gain trust. It is a journey. Sharing KPI’s helps. My tips not to end up in the perception that marketing being balloons and ice cream but a revenue contributor you need to have hard facts and evidence in your conversations. Digital can give you that. Measure.

2. Do you want to share lesson learned, How to effectively Scale-Up from Lab to Pilot to Production?

Main lessons learned are (1) Implement and start with the basics. Train your people step by step. Run pilots on different types of activities with the learning targets attached. (2) Communication not to be underestimated. Bring the entire company along on the journey. (3) Add complexity step by step.

About the Author

Koen De Witte

Koen's true passion is innovation in B2B sales & marketing. Back in 2008 he started LeadFabric, one of the very first demand marketing services firms in Europe.

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