Events with Scott Vaughan (1/5): How have buyers and audiences changed?

Part 1: How have buyers and audiences changed?


How do you bring together the buyer’s journey and the account’s journey digitally and where will events connect into that?

The world has gone digital. And with the ability to stay hyper-informed across multiple channels when making purchasing decisions, buyers are in control

They are constantly giving marketers all sorts of signals about what they need and want. And this means that if businesses want to succeed, they have to adapt to the buyers’ enhanced ‘power’ and expectations. 

In this section, Scott shares with us exactly how he thinks buyers and audiences have changed, and the three main things they will continue to demand and adopt


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Évènements avec Scott Vaughan (0/5) : Introduction
Évènements avec Scott Vaughan (0/5) : Introduction

Kyra Albano, consultante chez LeadFabric, interviewe Scott Vaughan (Chief Growth Officer chez Integrate) à ...

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Évènements avec Scott Vaughan (1/5) : Comment les acheteurs et les audiences ont-ils changé ?
Évènements avec Scott Vaughan (1/5) : Comment les acheteurs et les audiences ont-ils changé ?

Dans cette partie de notre série avec Scott Vaughan, Scott nous partage la façon dont il pense que les ache...