For so many of us, the impact that COVID-19 has had on our work, family and society is unprecedented. We are in uncharted waters, feeling our way through this crisis. There is a famous quote from Karl Popper stating, “Optimism is a moral duty” which rings true, especially in times like these.
It is this mantra that I, and my executive team, have instilled in LeadFabric and how we evaluate the best approach as conditions and decisions around COVID-19 continue to change. Our remit is clear, to remain future focused whilst ensuring the safety of our staff and their families. We pre-empted the government in issuing the mandatory working from home rule for all LeadFabric employees and will continue to do so until it is safe to return to shared working environments. Safety First as our highest imperative so we are evaluating this on a daily basis in all the countries we operate in.
“Lockdown” is a new term that has become a daily reality and is likely to be so for some time to come. Irrespective of the industry we work in, we are all connected either directly or indirectly. So although we are all hopeful the Pharma Industry works day and night to find a treatment soon, we all have a role to play to keep the lights on for them. The trickle-down effect of halting activities in the supply and value chains will have ramifications downstream and should be avoided.
As a marketing solution provider our services are used in many different industries and we constantly scan the horizon for future tools and services for our customers. Our team remain committed to your success, so please reach out for anything you need during this time. We are here to help.
Best in class webinars are about sharing thought leadership, so that is how we approached setting up this series of free Webinars. Register today to reserve your spot for the first Webinar on April 2 and hear our speakers share their experiences in leveraging new ways to address their business challenges and continue meet the changing needs of their customers.
To find out about the other webinars planned, Read Here.
Our team remain committed to your success, so please reach out for anything you need during this time. We are here to help.
I hope to meet you virtually at our webinars. If you wish to reach out to me directly feel free to contact me at
In the meantime, stay safe and keep optimistic!
Yours Sincerely,
Koen De Witte
Managing Director
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