Events with Scott Vaughan (5/5): How can B2B leaders thrive in a digital-first world?

Part 5: What advice does Scott have for B2B leaders to thrive in our ever-changing digital-first world?


We’ve moved on from the Marketing Automation Era. And it's clear that today, just automating things is not enough. We can do a lot more: Connect more channels, use data intelligence, leverage more advanced technology...

And while taking those steps and diving deeper into digital transformation can be scary, if businesses want to stay relevant, they simply can’t afford not to take the plunge. As Scott says, “the courage to move forward is more important than ever.”

Watch the video to learn what Scott had to say when asked for his advice for leaders who may be afraid or hesitant to make bolder moves in the face of radical change and digital transformation.

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Évènements avec Scott Vaughan (5/5) : Des conseils pour les leaders B2B dans un monde digital
Évènements avec Scott Vaughan (5/5) : Des conseils pour les leaders B2B dans un monde digital

Se plonger dans la transformation digitale peut être effrayant. Cela est pourtant nécessaire pour rester pe...

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Évènements avec Scott Vaughan (4/5) : Qu’est-ce qu’est la plateforme Integrate ?

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